Hi guys yesterday i bought the bot but i cant make it to run cause it keeps showing error.Ive done everything u guys r saying on the forum but doesnt sort the problem, i am using in TH13 and im using Memu.Cannot find the army overview button.I tryed to post a picture but doesnt allow me.
hero's not deploying
scenery breaking the tool
th14 missing from the search for max th option
missing extra armies 4,5 and 6.
ability to do builders battles.
missing 3 siege machines
fix potions just bugging out and spamming nowhere near troops plz <3
Noticed a few issues on things that normally were never an issue.
1.) The bot runs fine but randomly switches to the builder base and no longer seems to switch back to the default base like it once used to.
2.) What is the default size that it opens the clash of clans window supposed to be? It used to open it to the correct size auto before and has stopped doing this a long time ago for me.
I am not sure if my first point is due to the size of the window opening being wrong or not?
Hello all, Got the bot working and love it so far. I am a Town Hall 14 with well-leveled troops and entirely maxed barracks. It was working fantastically when I started around 3300 trophies. Problematically, it's gotten me in to a bit of a rut and was wondering if someone could recommend settings to get me out of it. It has dropped me to around 1100 trophies with no sign of improvement. Attacks take 50-500 (not a typo) searches each and when combined with the massively lowered loot per attack the bot is no longer profitable. I believe I need to raise my trophy level but do not know how to do this. The army I've been using is entirely archers. Open to change all settings and army compositions. Was wondering if someone could 1) Recommend an ideal trophy range to stay in to farm for a fairly leveled TH14 2) Give me setting and army recommendations to get there Or, alternatively 3) Tell what worked for them if they were in a similar position