Would you all be interested if I created a customized operating system that would automatically install the required applications with the operating system itself?
- ClashFarmer_1813
- Memu
This could be useful for people with high-end hardware that would like to run multiple bots with multiple operating systems but don't want to re-do it over and over again.
Sorry if this has been covered somewhere, but I did do searches and read some of the stickies.
I have a version of CF that works in general.. but, it will eventually crash and want to close. The program continues to run. I close the program and it continues to run in the background. Something to do with PushBullet I imagine as this happens after a notification push.
Anyways, this post is for one thing only. How do we check for updates? Maybe there is a fix for this? Maybe not.. but, do we have a simple way to see if there is an update?
Hi. I have a Th level 11 and really struggling to farm. After 300+ searches and wasting loads of gold I'm not finding any dead bases. It was working like a charm when I was Th 10 but now nothing. If anyone could share their settings with me that would be awesome.
CF team,
Good luck with the changes coming on training armies! I'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with. From watching the video, it seems train by barracks will no longer be a thing. Maybe there will be a way to simplify it and have CF train one of the 3 set armies that we have saved in game? I realize this will take some time to get figured out after the update drops. Good luck and I'll be here when you are looking for testers!
> Always make friendly challenges available when the bot is running. It gives your clan plenty of oppurtunity to practice for wars. Cherry on top would be that the bot cycles through the 3 war base layouts.
> This bot is efficient enough to farm for more than one account. An option to automatically switch between accounts (and CF presets) would be awesome!
> The function to write in Global chat every X minutes is a good concept, but not as effective as it could be. Also people realize pretty fast that its automated. Suggestion: Multiple message presets and switching global chatroom after sending one (via changing language to something else and back to english)
> Donation by keywords. Pretty self explanatory. If we see a donation containing a certain keyword, donate that troop (if it is on the army schedule. If not, ignore)
> Option to boost barracks, stop if gems go below X
the same error message keeps coming up every time I click on Start Bot.
I followed the installation instructions but this message happens every single time