Is the bot so down or why aren't new or further contents added here? For example, settings for 2020 for TH 13. Because the bot cannot use the Royal Champion either
Requesting troops is not possible now.
Our army is ready to go.
Preparing troops for the next round...
Going to look for a target...
Starting Search Loop
1. Gold 455726, Elixir 442610, DElixir 2100
Could not determine Townhall level
2. Gold 166785, Elixir 159789, DElixir 4639
Could not determine Townhall level
3. Gold 174827, Elixir 133753, DElixir 1028
4. Gold 262443, Elixir 310397, DElixir 1771
5. Gold 322162, Elixir 467570, DElixir 2757
Could not determine Townhall level
6. Gold 168229, Elixir 255011, DElixir 2638
Could not determine Townhall level
The bot was stopped.
I cant attack because Could not determine Townhall level
Hello !
I'm already using Memu with another version for other purposes. The bot seems to not work with this version.
I have another pc on which i could make turn Clashfarmer. Now i have to unlink the license key...
It there a way to?
I recently purschased the clashfarmer professiional.
But i have some troubles setting it up. I follow the tutorial and several posts on the forum but it doesnt work.
I keeps saying : 'Some Issue Occurred: MEmu launch failed!'
While it starts memu and closes it again directly after.
See the screenshot.
I tried the memu version first (the link in the tutorial) but it says the playstore is outdated so i cant download clash or log-in to my google play.
Second time i tried downloading the latest version of Memu and this works, i installed clash. But the bot wont start.
Does anybody have suggestions, i would really like to try out the bot.
1.) Could we possibly get a loot counter on the bottom of the status page that tallies loot accumulated since being turned on?
Gold: Elixer: and DE:
It would be good for people who have it set to use gold or elixir or both to tally up how much they actually earned total since starting the bot.
2.) Another good option would be to set a timer much like we have for if no loot collected in X amount of time...
This one would be more so we can specify a time to start the attack, after x seconds begin attacking.
This would add another randomized setting to avoid detection.
3.) An option for people with multiple accounts to auto change the settings for say a th9 account to the th11 account.
You could do this through save files... or maybe just 3 or so predefined save choices.
4.) Timer. I love the fact you can set the bot to auto turn itself off in intervals but does it do this at 3:00 on the dot... or does it do it randomly?
It might be a good idea to allow us the option to do random intervals. For instance specify 3:12 turn it off and auto code it so it does it at that time + or - a minute.
This would increase the randomness of times and avoid detection as well.
Professional License: 30 days left
Verifying Emulator and CoC...
Found BlueStacks
Launching Bluestacks, please wait...
Found BlueStacks
Found BlueStacks
Some Issue Occurred:
Hello. I just got the Pro version and I downloaded COC via bluestacks. When I go to load it says Bluestack found but then "Some Issue Occurred. Please help!