I have 260 spaces I just upgraded my TH to 12.
When it's training, it's not waiting for 260 of 260 troops to attack, it goes attacking with 250 of 260.
It says on log:
''Waiting for training completion. (250/260)
Our army is ready to go.''
Then starts searching for Dead Bases but not with full army. That makes the bot take longer to prepare the troops for the next attack..
I think a good solution will be one last check for Troops, so the Bot makes sure there's 260 of 260 troops before any attack.
Hello all, been using the program for around 2 weeks and must say... amazing! Congratz for the work!
One simple improvement I think you should focus on is on a trophy maintenance (or even increase) feature. What I have noticed since I started using is that if you are only farming with the bot, you will end up loosing a ton of trophies until you reach the silver league where your farm wont be as effective as it was before (at least for TH 10 up).
The feature would be as simple as attacking villages with isolated town halls (yes, those with the TH on any far corner of the map).
Clashfarmer version 1.8.19, memu version 2.9.6 win 10, launching bot the game is opening, refreshing and mimimize resolution but always error Some issue etc...could not reach zoomed out state. I've removed all obstacle but not works. Help
I just bought the key and downloaded it all.
I found out it was staying on "Starting Bot...'' when I used MEmu.
So I installed and tried Bluestacks, also stuck on "Starting Bot..."
Is there another Emu that you guys are using or am I just doing something wrong?
Looking forward to hearing from you guys since I'm new to botting and Emulators
Feature that does not work:
1. Does not deploy CC or any siege machines ( I'd imagine from the research I've seen on the website this application was designed a long time ago for TH 11, and not 12 so siege machines make sense, but why not just regular CC? )
2. Can't auto upgrade past LVL 10 walls, LVL 11 walls upgrade is grey'd out for and unable to use.
Also is there any updates on when the new update will be on the bot?
I bought the professional key back when the new update came and that was the only way to get a working clashfarmer, then a few days ago I started getting this message
License invalid or expired, please deactivate professional mode or change the license key.
License issue occured, halting bot.
But if I leave it set for a few minutes it starts working but the free version not professional. Meaning everything grayed out.
Any Ideas?
I mean it works but I did pay for the options.
Any help is appreciated