My bot is not working very well it does not do the attacks very well and deploys army after 10 to 20 s and i lose the attack so the trophies how can i fix that i am using bots latest version and Me-emu
I want to share with you my settings, tested for a month, it works perfect nowadays September/2018, I will update any new improvements in my bot settings if there's going to be any.
So no more to say check my images, copy them if you are on TH11, and wish best of luck looting dead bases
You'll usually get full resources in a day, and 2 days for D.E., you'll be faster if you boost your barracks
Im using last ClashFarmer 1.8.19 and Memu (Performance at Medium).
Posted by: therantex - 09-10-2018, 04:22 PM - Forum: Español
- No Replies
Buenas a todos!
Os traigo mis ajustes que a dia de hoy - 10/09/2018 - (Un mes entero testeado) me funcionan muy bien estos ajustes 1 dia/almacenes llenos,
dependiendo si aceleras o no cuarteles, si los aceleras los llenas antes.
Os recomiendo dejar siempre un constructor libre para que mejore los muros si los teneis a nivel bajo.
Aqui podeis ver el avance en 2 dias con el bot (No lo he tenido las 24h).
Ahora os adjunto mis ajustes tanto del ClashFarmer como de Memu.
ClashFarmer 1.8.19
El ejercito se compone de 16 Gigantes, 6 Magos, 78 arqueras y 78 barbaros.
General - Performance - MIDDLE CPU 2 RAM 1.5GB
- Resolucion 860 X 672 DPI 160
- Graficos OpenGL
- Idioma Ingles
Esta cuenta estuvo con bot hace mucho tiempo, nunca recibio ningun ban ni nada, para los desconfiados!
Hi ! I have been runing with Memu for a long time but I wanted to give Bluestacks 1 from the forums a try. It didn't sign in for me for some reason on the google account so I uninstalled Bluestacks and installed Memu back. The problem is that now when I start the bot, the message Starting Bot appears but nothing happens. Tried uninstalling ClashFarmer and Memu and delete their installation folders , restart Windows and then install them again and still the bot doesn't start with Memu opened and CoC app opened, and with Memu closed. I have even tried unstallling everything again and deleting the folders left behind and then checking windows registry with ccleaner for lefovers and restart windows and installed everything again. I have downloaded ClashFarmer from the forums again with no success of making the bot working again.
Edit: Dunno if this helps but inn ClashFarmer.exe document I see this:
Process Bot-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "multiprocessing\process.pyc", line 258, in _bootstrap
File "bot.pyc", line 64, in run
File "utils.pyc", line 156, in getinstance
File "handler.pyc", line 13, in __init__
File "utils.pyc", line 156, in getinstance
File "player.pyc", line 35, in __init__
File "emulator.pyc", line 16, in get_emulator
File "windows_memu.pyc", line 30, in is_installed
File "windows_memu.pyc", line 189, in get_memu_dir
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa8' in position 62: ordinal not in range(128)
Good night, I'm trying to make CF work on my pc, I have W10 and already tried with Memu and with bluestacks ...
The memu it is trying to restart Memu and it will not and blue is not wanting to run on my pc ... already tried some versions until the oldest and nothing.
Hello im using the bot since 2 months but on my second acc TH9... And since 1 week i use it on my big account and i want to know the best trophies range for th12 to find a lot of dead bases !