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search only improve... traind and search but wait for a human raid - Printable Version

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search only improve... traind and search but wait for a human raid - [email protected] - 06-28-2016

It's great for a specific resources as DE. because the software could train some troops to raid storages or collectors. Currently we can use "search only" feature, but when we are back to our village we need to train again (manually) the troops and could be great if the software could do it for us. Because sometimes at least for me i'm at work on the PC, and i need DE to upgrade heroes and the collectors are in the center of village or they aren't in the first line of fire so we lose the troops and trophies and we can't get the resources... this could be avoided in this case making an human raid.

Currently i set a custom army composition and sometimes it works and other it doesn't, but this is not the point, even if i train by barracks what i do? i push start and  then when i hear the little sound of the match village i go and make stop the software to attack but sometimes if i a little far from the pc it makes the auto raid.

So that's what i think could be a great feature, something like and assistant to train and search for us, but not to attack.

Sorry for my bad english.