02-28-2017, 04:17 AM
(10-28-2016, 03:21 PM)ekke Wrote: new @RH9, going fine with these settings:
13 Giants, 90 Archer, 50 Barbs.
Search for: 0 Gold, 200k Elexier, 0 DE, dead bases.
Gold and Dark comes along with the elexir.
I tweaked this to accommodate my 220 housing: 14 Giants (Level 6) 95 Archers (Level 6) and 55 barbs (Level 6)
Searching for 75000 Gold, 75000 Elixir and 500 DE - matching just one resource. I agree that gold and dark come along with elixir...
I've had great success using this combo. I currently only have Level 10 BK and Level 10 AQ, which regain their health as this troop combo takes 21 minutes + to cook at a cost of only 91000 elixir.
Thanks for the initial post!