06-15-2018, 08:48 PM
So I am fairly new to this not but have been testing out different strategies what seems to work best for me is 15 Giants , 5 wall breakers, 23 wizards, and 3 healers. And my king since queen has been on a 7 day vacation.
i have the bot set to search for either 250000 gold, 300000 elixer and 2000 DE
Limited town hall 7-10 usually 9 if I'm not high in trophies after a point there are little to no TH9 dead bases.
Full collectors of course
And I have match just one resource to not be too picky
My deployment is at 8 for both wave and troop with it split into 2 waves from all sides.
end battle is not checked.
Why I think this works is because I gain and lose enough trophies to be in a suitable range of loot because if I go to high I lose and go back down and if I'm low I win and go up and this repeats over and over
My usually percent is roughly 50 which is fine with me.
-Also My troop levels are
Giants level 7
Wallbreakers level 5
Wizards level 6
Healer level 4
King is at 15
And my queen is on her way to 22.
Hope this helps anyone out. And may the loot be yours!
Update:July 1 2018-(only change is its split to 1 wave now, and I use 4 healers and 21 wiz instead) Queen is at 25 I'm sitting at max DE and gain roughly 6mil in 6-9 hours easy have been upgrading my walls and have since upgraded them all from a spread of 7&8 to all level 9 and a lot of them are level 10. I stay at about 2200 trophies which is honestly higher then I am ever because I suck at attacking. But this setup has worked amazing for me, hope it works for you as well.
i have the bot set to search for either 250000 gold, 300000 elixer and 2000 DE
Limited town hall 7-10 usually 9 if I'm not high in trophies after a point there are little to no TH9 dead bases.
Full collectors of course
And I have match just one resource to not be too picky
My deployment is at 8 for both wave and troop with it split into 2 waves from all sides.
end battle is not checked.
Why I think this works is because I gain and lose enough trophies to be in a suitable range of loot because if I go to high I lose and go back down and if I'm low I win and go up and this repeats over and over
My usually percent is roughly 50 which is fine with me.
-Also My troop levels are
Giants level 7
Wallbreakers level 5
Wizards level 6
Healer level 4
King is at 15
And my queen is on her way to 22.
Hope this helps anyone out. And may the loot be yours!
Update:July 1 2018-(only change is its split to 1 wave now, and I use 4 healers and 21 wiz instead) Queen is at 25 I'm sitting at max DE and gain roughly 6mil in 6-9 hours easy have been upgrading my walls and have since upgraded them all from a spread of 7&8 to all level 9 and a lot of them are level 10. I stay at about 2200 trophies which is honestly higher then I am ever because I suck at attacking. But this setup has worked amazing for me, hope it works for you as well.