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Clash of Clans Recommended Trophy Range for Farming
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Strategies | August 24, 2016


Whether you are focused on clan wars or trophy pushing, everyone needs an effective farming strategy. There are three key components to farming – trophy ranges, defensive design (to save your resources), and offensive strategy. In today’s post we will analyze the part one – trophy ranges. Players are only able to hit the bases that they are presented with. However, every player can control that fate slightly by determining which trophy range best fits your needs. The first thing to know is that a few updates ago Clash of Clans made a dramatic switch to their match making system. Thus if you are a Town Hall level 10, the majority of the time (80-90%) you will be matched with other Town Hall 10s in a trophy range near you. The remaining 10-20% will be the Town Hall level above and below you.

Farm High or Low?

Since you can’t lower your Town Hall level, to determine the trophy range you want to be in by how frequently you plan to farm. The choice is between a lower league with easier or dead bases, and the lower League Bonus. Or a higher league, tougher bases and a higher League Bonus reward. Prior to the update almost everyone chose option 1, dropped trophies and looked for the easiest bases with the highest resources to gain. However, now with the change in match making, even if you drop to Gold or Silver league and are a Town Hall 11, you will mostly find other Town Hall 11s dropping down there as well. The updates were designed to help individuals find their best trophy range naturally rather than trophy dropping.

Breaking down the resources

Farming loot is made up of three parts – (1) the resources you get from the opponent’s base, (2) your league bonus for the % you destroyed during that attack, and (3) the daily star bonus once you earn 5 stars. For #1 you want to be in a range that is where the majority of your Town Hall levels is. For example, a Town Hall 8 should be in one of the Gold Leagues. Lower than that and they are likely to get pushed back up based on their defensive strength, and higher than that they will struggle to consistently defeat bases and collect targeted resources. #2 and 3 are linked together based on the league you are sitting in, and SuperCell has repeatedly placed more and more importance on moving into a higher league. For example, Master League 1 offers a maximum loot bonus of 200,000 gold, 200,000 elixir, and 1,000 dark elixir for each base you destroy 100%. On top of that your daily star bonus would be 280k/280k/1.4k. Below is a table breaking down the rewards in each league level:
Three successful attacks using that strategy would get you 880k/880k/4.4k all before counting any resources you took from opponent’s bases! Don’t worry about being in between two specific trophy numbers. You are better off finding the highest league you can survive in to draw the largest bonus and have bases holding the same level loot as you are. If you drop 500 trophies and 2 leagues you are likely just going to find similar bases and now receive lower star and league bonuses.


As the game shifts more towards appropriate trophy league levels, I would recommend finding the one that you can earn at least 2 stars on in each attack. With 4-5 attacks a day you will be hitting large resource gains from the league and star bonuses on top of your raiding loot. Plus, challenging yourself in a higher league also makes you a better war player as you get to learn troop pathing and defensive designs on bases. Now as a new Town Hall 11 living in the Champions League I have found plenty of resources to continue upgrading while also becoming a better war attacker. However, if you are new to a Town Hall level, are trying out new troops and farming attack strategies, or simply prefer to have more daily raids using lower cost armies then dropping trophies and into a lower league is the route to go. Remember either option works. It is all about finding the strategy that works for your goal, and most importantly that you enjoy. Good luck raiding and come back soon for Part 2 of this series – defensive design for farming.

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