I recently payed to farm bot and the past two days the bot has been completely horrible it is continually skipping dead bases , attacking and getting like 6k loot, overall it is doing the complete opposite it should do
I have tried on my th9 minimax , my th10 and , my th8 defenseless terrible on all
ERROR:image recognition system mismatch
ERROR:image recognition system mismatch
ERROR:image recognition system mismatch
ERROR:image recognition system mismatch
ERROR:image recognition system mismatch
السلام عليكم
قامت شركة سوبر سيل بتحديث كلاش مما ادى الى توقف البوت البارحة وتم تحديث البوت ليكون متوافق مع التحديث الجديد
يمكنكم التحميل من هذا الرابط تحميل البوت
وبالنسبة للأصدار المجاني يرجى الانتظار القليل من الوقت حتى اكمال النسخة المجانية او يمكنكم شراء النسخة المحترفة والتمتع بالبوت الان من هنا
That’s the message I’m getting when trying to start CF. I never could get Memu to work. Everytime I tried to sign in on my google account it would say I needed to sign in on the browser and then say “unfortunately google account manager hasn’t stopped.” So I decided to download Bluestacks 1 from the FAQ here and when I try to run clash farmer I get the error message.
My clash farmer was downloaded yesterday before the newest beta version came out a couple of hours ago. I’m starting to get discouraged since everything I try hits a snag. Can anyone help? Thanks.