Hi! I just installed the bot yesterday, loving it so far.
I was browsing through settings page earlier though, and saw mention of smart zap de drill in there. However, i cant find this option anywhere in my settings. Does such an option even exist? Was it removed?
from maintanac time now i have this any body maby now how to fix it ?
Verifying Emulator and CoC...
Restarting Emulator... (changing resolution)
Could not kill BlueStacks2
Some Issue Occurred: Cannot kill BlueStacks2
Verifying Emulator and CoC...
Launching Bluestacks, please wait...
Some Issue Occurred:
Verifying Emulator and CoC...
Launching Clash Of Clans, please wait...
Restarting Emulator... (changing resolution)
Could not kill BlueStacks2
Some Issue Occurred: Cannot kill BlueStacks2
Verifying Emulator and CoC...
Launching Bluestacks, please wait...
Some Issue Occurred:
Verifying Emulator and CoC...
Launching Clash Of Clans, please wait...
On behalf of the Clashfarmer team I would like to thank everyone for their patience, and special thanks goes for members who kept replying and helping other members, that was nice to see in these difficult times
I am having an issue where i put the code in and it just spins and spins never activates. Computer was running fine and then got an erorr confirming professional license key. so i tried to put my key back in and it wont respond. Then we tried to uninstall/reinstall and enter key same issue - i have 6 pro licenses and only this one is causing trouble. Please advise.
I get the error message for invalid lic often and most times removing it, restarting and then putting back in works. This time it has not i've tried removing program setting up as run as admin and still nothing. Is their something else i should try cause i can't afford to buy another license.