Tried it,don't like it...was hoping for something better. Maybe I need to work on the mechanics of it a bit more...but bob don't like it...Just my 2 cents on it
Well I just done it....I'm a lifer now..I found this bot so good that i just had to support it even more than just being on the forums....Thanx CF for the good work you have done.
We're using:
35 housing: Witch, Valk, 2 Wizard, 3 Archers
30 housing: a combo of LH, Dragon and 5 Minions, or Baby Dragon, 2 Valks and a Wizard
25 housing Dragons and a Loon
20 housing Dragon
15 housing Baby Dragon and a Loon
10 housing Baby Dragon
All Max troops
I was reading the share settings section and someone posted their settings which work great, but they said put the break time once every 3 hours, now onto my question; I've noticed from the few days i've used it that clashofclansforecasting ( is pretty accurate, I get the most loot at the times it says I should so if I make the bot have 6 hour "sleep" at the times loot available is low and then for it to play constantly the rest of the time, would that get me detected?