I'm running the bot on two computers at my house, and my boyfriend is running one on his computer. All are on laptops. His computer flies through searches ($3000 Toshiba laptop), while mine seems to lag. The clouds move very slow, etc.. I'm not sure if it's a graphics card issue, processor, or both. Here's what I know:
newer computer: Intel Pentium CPU N3540 @ 2.16 GHz
Any ideas on what's slowing it down? Any adjustments I can make to the graphics settings to possibly make the graphics not as good but performance better?
I have tried to search for threads looking for the answer and I can't find the solution. I found what I thought would work, followed directions but it isn't working for me.
I had BS3 installed - it suddenly stopped working and then I downloaded the most recent version of Memu. That version never worked. Saw I saw a thread that said he downgraded to version 2.9.6, it worked for him but I can't get it to work. CF starts Memu but then it hangs on Launching CoC, please wait.
I just paid for the premiere account this morning and now I have nothing that works.
Can someone shed some light on what I need to do.
I'm running an i7 with NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980M.
Thanks so much for your help!
(08-29-2017, 03:36 AM)whg123 Wrote: Hello,
I have tried to search for threads looking for the answer and I can't find the solution. I found what I thought would work, followed directions but it isn't working for me.
I had BS3 installed - it suddenly stopped working and then I downloaded the most recent version of Memu. That version never worked. Saw I saw a thread that said he downgraded to version 2.9.6, it worked for him but I can't get it to work. CF starts Memu but then it hangs on Launching CoC, please wait.
I just paid for the premiere account this morning and now I have nothing that works.
Can someone shed some light on what I need to do.
I'm running an i7 with NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980M.
Thanks so much for your help!
BTW, I have removed and then reinstalled CF as well.
Hey, guys can anyone help me here. I cant seem to make bot work. I got the free version, I put all the values I want. I click search only or Start Bot. It says Starting bot. But it doesn't do anything. Does bot only work on Th5?
Hello guys - thanks as always for all your hard work
ANY chance of an 'auto' friendly challenge? option.
Also side note - any chance you will consider a discord server for clashfarmer? if you do i am very experienced setting up and helping admin them I offer you any assistance you might like on that front!
Obviously auto friendly challenge would only be to post the last base u posted not selecting alternates. Thanks again
Obviously the auto friendly challenge would only post the last base used in fc - not select alternates.
Obviously the auto friendly challenge would only post the last base used in fc - not select alternates.
Post in this thread your best questions on gameplay, clan wars, the future of the game and etc! We will break them down and bring you the answers in our next ClashFarmer blog post!
I have been using clashfarmer for a while now every month I buy the monthly and normally its pretty quick getting back with me with the activation code, but this time it has been 24 hrs I have not receive any. Please advice thank you