the recognition of donation requests is very very weak... Not sure if this is a problem with the resolution of the screen or whatever but the bot doesn't recognize 90% of all keywords I defined in the Clan & Chat tab...
Even the word GIANTS the bot ignores completely. Particular keywords have been recognized once but on the next request the same word has been ignored again...
Is there a way to improve the recognition or do I have to look for other bots for clan donations?
I have some problem with BlueStack im trying to log in by SC id but when im posting my e-mail adres the bluestack is minimaze to main window and is very hard to log in, the CF in not on when i try to do it and is very irritating ...any ideas how tofix it ?
Hello clashfarmer community! I recently heard whispers of clash of clans farming bots and decided to look into them. I would like to max my walls with it. My heroes are max and all but couple troops are maxxed. I am slacking a bit when it comes to walls though, I have 223 lvl 9s and 77 lvl 10s. My question for you guys is: What are the odds of me getting banned as i have years put into this account and would hate to lose it? Are bans permenant or just for a certain amount of days?
How soon, approximately, would i max all walls using this bot? And last but not least, do you guys reccomend me using this?! Thanks guys!! Sorry for being total noob on the subject.
After the bot open the army camp this happened.
Some Issue Occurred: Cannot find the army overview button, <class 'maintainer.CannotFindArmyOverviewButton'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bot.pyc", line 187, in run
File "maintainer.pyc", line 545, in train_and_maintain
File "maintainer.pyc", line 327, in is_army_ready
File "maintainer.pyc", line 289, in troop_count
File "maintainer.pyc", line 269, in open_army_overview
CannotFindArmyOverviewButton: Cannot find the army overview button