guys i need help... my bot rc8 doesn't work on memu play.. and i'm using windows 10 pro.. i've tried changing the compatibility mode.. tried everything, but still nothing happens.. why?
Hi, I'm having trouble using my program, I'm going to attach an image, I was using the program normally but I had to clean the computer, and now I can not use the program anymore.
I'm having issues with Clashfarmer 1.8.18, I'm using MEmu - Android4.4. Read that the 4.4 worked better than MEmu - Android 5.1.
-Constantly getting "Some Issue Occurred: Could not reach zoomed out state
Failed to restart more 29 times, restarting CoC"
and this "Some Issues Occurred: Could not reach zoomed out state
Failed to restart more than 30 times, restarting BS"
Can someone please help me with this, my MEmu Resolution is set to 860x672 DPI 160 as I've read that is what it needs to be set to.
I'm also having issues of it not reconnecting after a personal break, is there a way to fix this problem so it can reload back in and continue running bot?
Estou usando o memus, baixado do link do fórum.
COC esta no idioma inglês.
Anti virús está desativado.
Sistema operacional win10.
Pc 4G de Ram.
Bot configurado.
Quando clico em start, aparece esta menssagem: "ClashFarmer Started.
O suporte para evasão de detecção está ativado.
O bot agora terá um tempo limite - o bot foi configurado para tirar um tempo limite a esta hora.
E is leave of screen, mesmo desativating a tela other, ainda não funciona.
I am unable to automatically upgrade walls from level 11 to 12 causing in massive decrease of efficiency, when will this issue be resolved? the wall option is blurred for me
Hi guys, pls help me with this problems.
I still use bot normaly untill yesterday. It keep stuck like the picture i attach and keep clicking that top comment again and again
To day i reinstall clashfarmer rc8 but nothing better.
My device is win 10 64 bit